What we can learn from Sakata Gintoki?
Top 5 inspirational quotes from Gintama
"Before dawn, the night is darkest just before dawn. But keep your eyes open, keep them open no matter how dark the night ahead may be. If you avert your eyes from the dark, you'll be blind to the rays of a new day."
Sakata Gintoki
In a humor filled story such as Gintama, where there is a strong emphasis on characters, the depth of the characters, when explored fully in the narrative, can work magically in leaving the viewers speechless.
It is a primary aspect of what makes Gintama such a legendary series, and it is also what makes Gintoki such an insightful character.
Well then, let’s talk about a few of Gintoki’s wisest sayings.
1 - Live your Life
“If you've got time to fantasize about a beautiful death, why not live beautifully until the end?”
So many times, in life, we wonder about the past, and get anxious about the future. Even though what one really ought to do is to just live their life.
Fretting or even fantasizing about the end will make you avert your eyes from what’s in front of you.
2 - Everyone has a burden worth carrying
"Everyone's carrying something that matters. You just don't realize when you're carrying it. It's only after it slips out of your hand that you realize how heavy it was in the first place. So many times, I thought that I'd never carry a load like that ever again. And yet, before I realized it, I was carrying it again. I'd feel so much better if I just got rid of it. But I just can't bring myself to do it."
For human beings, what gives our lives meaning is not just what we stand for, but also what we carry on our backs. Be it a promise from the past, people you care for, or a piece of your identity.
Everyone has something that they carry on their backs, it may very well feel like a burden at times, but that’s the thing, you don’t realize what that burden stood for until it slips out of your hands.
You may get relieved, you may decide to let it go, but, and it may happen subconsciously, before you know it, you are already carrying that burden again.
Would life be easier without it?
Aren’t all responsibilities that way?
It is only after one understands why certain things are “a part of our life”, that one truly understands the burdens they need to carry.
3 - The Life you chose for Yourself
"Why change it? This is a life that you chose for yourself, and nothing will change that. You don't need to fret, nor do you need to be embarrassed. No one else can or should choose the path that you walk upon. Just puff out your chest and walk proudly. There's nothing wrong with your face. As long as your soul doesn't get scarred, your face will remain beautiful.”
If there is a life you chose for yourself, don’t run away from it, and don’t force change either.
Choose what you want to choose and then wholeheartedly embrace it, don’t be embarrassed and don’t let outside appearances make you feel embarrassed either, because what really matters is your soul.
5 - Strength is making up for each other’s flaws
“Du hast vollkommen Recht. Ich kann nicht alles alleine machen. Jeder hat seine Fehler und Schwächen, aber das bringt uns dazu, zusammen zu arbeiten... um diese Schwächen auszugleichen. Zusammen ergeben wir den perfekten Hauptcharakter.”
No man is flawless, but when you and the people who understand you come together, you make up for each other’s flaws, and that in itself is the beauty of humans.
That’s all folks!
These are few of the many legendary quotes from this series.
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