Review - What makes Jujutsu Kaisen so Special?
Is it the next big Shounen hit?
Jujutsu Kaisen is relatively new shounen anime that has suddenly managed to gain immense popularity with millions of fans around the world. The show started airing on the 3rd of October, 2020, and it has a pretty good English Dubbed version available as well. Season 2 is coming soon, so let us have a look at what makes Jujutsu Kaisen so special.
How did this new show manage to get so popular, and does Jujutsu Kaisen actually deserve all the hype? In today’s article, we’ll be taking a look at all the things that make Jujutsu Kaisen the next big shounen hit.
A Unique Plot Paired up With the Perfect Story Progression
Beginnen wir zuerst mit der Geschichte von Jujutsu Kaisen.
Die Handlung dreht sich um einen Jungen namens Yuuji Itadori, der eigentlich sein ganz normales Leben als Oberschüler geniesst. Eines Tages findet er ein verfluchtes Objekt, welches er gemeinsam mit seinen Clubmitgliedern genauer unter die Lupe nimmt.
Dies entpuppte sich aber leider als gravierender Fehler, denn das entfesselte Fluchobjekt zog eine Vielzahl von schrecklichen Kreaturen an, welche durch die negative Energie angezogen wurden. Um seine Freunde zu retten entschliesst Yuuji, den verfluchten Gegenstand zu schlucken. Dieser war ein Finger eines mächtigen Dämonen names Sakuna. Doch erstaunlicherweise konnte Yuuji seine Kraft kontrollieren.
Nach dem Vorfall entschied sich Yuuji, sich den Jujutsu Magie-Meistern anzuschliessen damit er von dem Fluch befreit werden kann.
Die Geschichte an sich ist ja schon spannend, aber Jujutsu Kaisen brilliert vor allem durch die unvorhersehbare Handlungsentwicklung. Man hat nicht das Gefühl, dass es typischen Klischees folgt. Stattdessen werden die Zuschauer immer wieder mit neuen Twists überrascht.
Characters That Make You Fall in Love
If you do decide to watch Jujutsu Kaisen, then you will fall absolutely in love with its wonderful cast of characters. The characters in this anime are all unique and realistic! What I really love about this anime is that it properly introduces us to the backstories of all of these individual characters and focuses on the side characters as well. The designs of these characters are also memorable and iconic!
Brilliant Animation
My personal favorite aspect of Jujutsu Kaisen that makes it the next big shounen hit is, of course, the extraordinary animation! With Jujutsu Kaisen, MAPPA has really shown us what the animation studio is actually capable of, and we just can’t help but ask for more.
The animation of Jujutsu Kaisen is extremely well-detailed, and each and every fight scene is so well-choreographed and entertaining that you won’t be able to take your eyes off of the screen.
If you haven’t watched Jujutsu Kaisen yet, then you need to go watch it right now! This anime is super entertaining, and with that animation quality, it is only going to get better in the future as the story progresses. Despite being an action shounen anime, the show also has a lot of light-hearted moments that are actually funny, making it the next big shounen hit that can be enjoyed by all types of people.
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